PREVIEW: The Embroidery Girl at Grand Theatre Swansea, 30th March ’18

After Swansea losing the ‘City of Culture 2021’ bid last year, it’s exciting to find that despite the loss, Swansea is still wealthy in the currency of culture. This is particularly seen with The Embroidery Girl, a worldwide renowned production coming to The Grand Theatre on the 30th March. So, what is it about this production that is leading me to write this article?
For this I invite you to look at the other page. This is the first time within the Waterfront that an English- Chinese feature has been written in the paper’s recent history. Just like Embroidery Master Xiu Niang (the main character within The Embroidery Girl), we’re leaving a legacy for years, perhaps even ages with some wishful thinking, to come.

The show is centred and adapted around the real-life embroidery masters Shen Shou and Yang Shouyu. For the embroidery history fans out there, Shen Shou founded the Shen style of embroidery and eventually wrote the Xue Huan Embroidery Bible; the first ever artisanal embroidery handbook which revolutionised the embroidery world at the time. Yang Shouyu, on the other hand, is famous for inventing the Luan Zhen Fa embroidery style; a style that makes embroidery look like the oil paintings found in western art galleries. Xiu Niang is the fictional embodiment of both women and her character provides not only a window into Chinese history due to the show being set in the Qing Dynasty, but the show resonating the gender struggles that women have faced throughout history as Xiu Niang fights to have her vision seen in a male-dominated society. With the story sewing such a historically rich narrative (pun intended), including old Chinese customs such as matchmaking, The Embroidery Girl is bound to appeal to both history fanatics and embroiders alike, or just somebody who wants an evening filled with culture and spellbinding dancing.

However, the show doesn’t just tell a tale on stage, but the tale backstage really brings a new element to the production. The Embroidery Girl has a team of highly-esteemed artists, including Zhao Ming; a man known for modernising Chinese Folk Dance and combining it with the elegance and strength of modern ballet. Alongside Ming is famous costume designer Li Ruiding, and Zou Hang, who is famously known for his work on the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. With Chinese dance superstar Zhang Yashu in the starring role, you’re in for an astounding and phenomenal night.

Like what you’ve read and can’t wait to see the production? See The Embroidery Girl at the Grand Theatre on Friday 30th March at 7:30pm! Tickets cost from £20.50 and are available to purchase via the Box Office (01792 475715) or online at


很遗憾,去年斯旺西没有争取到“2021年文化之城”的荣誉,尽管如此,仍然抹杀不了斯旺西与外界有着丰富的艺术文化交流。 比如说3月30日中国的优秀舞剧作品“绣娘”(The Embroidery Girl)将在斯旺西大剧院演出。 是什么触动我写这篇文章呢?你自己可以搜索看看,这是我们西南海边地区第一次将这样有特色的中英文化交流记入这里的史册。正像舞剧刺绣大师留下刺绣遗产,‘绣娘’这部戏也給我们斯旺西海岸留下宝贵的文艺财富,也不知什么时候才能在这里再看到这样特别的戏。
舞剧‘绣娘’是以刺绣大师沈寿和杨守玉的人生经历为背景改编的。为了追求苏绣至真至美,沈寿创立了沈氏刺绣风格,写下了“雪宦绣谱”。 这是第一个部手工刺绣手册,这在当时历史条件下是很了不起的成就。另一为刺绣大师杨守玉因创建了‘乱针法’的刺绣风格而闻名,刺绣的风格借鉴了西方艺术油画的特点。绣娘是这两位女性一生奋斗的缩影,她的性格命运, 不仅向我们打开了一扇中国近代晚清历史的窗口,而且通过绣娘在男尊女卑社会里挣扎的故事,反映了妇女争取自由平等的时代共同心声。绣娘绣出的不仅是一幅幅画,而且还缝制了一个历史丰富的故事,比如古老的中国习俗:说媒 等。从这部绣娘作品, 你可以欣赏到文化历史,了解到苏绣艺术,或者更简单一点,你可以轻松陶醉于那优美动人的舞蹈夜晚。
值得一提的是,这个节目的精彩,还在于它背后拥有一组备受尊敬的一线艺术家,如编舞总导赵明,他将中国民间舞与现代芭蕾舞的优雅和实力相结合,为中国民族舞现代化铺路。与赵明一起创作的还有著名服装设计师李锐丁,和为2008年为北京奥运会开幕式谱曲的音乐家邹航。更令人兴奋的是, 中国舞蹈尤物巨星张娅姝将领衔此舞剧,一定会带给你一个惊艳的夜晚。
读到这,你一定迫不及待地想知道绣娘是什么时候来演出? 记住, 3月30日(星期五)晚上7点半, 斯旺西大剧院!票价为20.50英镑,可通过票房购买(01792 475715)或在线购买


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